Name: Connie Lloyd
First clue you wanted to be a writer; summarize the situation: I have always expressed myself best through the written word, not the spoken. Many days, I would come home from school and write out my frustrations of the day. It was my way of releasing everything that had gone wrong that day, and once I wrote it down, I could let it go. I also had a great imagination as a kid, and loved to write stories about our life, and things we did, always with a bit more flare to them than what had really happened.
Earliest remembered writing and publishing experience: The earliest I remember writing and being ‘published’ was in second grade. I won a local writing contest for elementary students and my piece was published in the local library in Lake Mills, Iowa. Shortly thereafter, we moved to Kootenai, Idaho, and I won a writing contest in Mrs. Libby’s class as well.
What part of your education helped you most on your path to writing? I would say the encouragement of Mr. Ford, Mrs. Love, and Mrs. O’Donnell in my high school English classes is what helped me the most. They were honest, yet fair and encouraging, always willing to show me how to do things better.
It definitely would not have been in college, where my English teacher told me that my high school teachers were teaching an archaic way of writing. I told her writing was writing, how can it be archaic? Needless to say, I did not do well in her class.
Who influenced you most along your way and how? My aunt is a writer and she has always encouraged me to write.
Joy O’Donnell was a huge supporter of me in my writing, and she encouraged me to continue to write often. She took some extra time my senior year to help me improve my writing skills.
Marianne Love has encouraged and inspired me over the years as well, and I feel very humble when receiving a compliment from her on my writing.
Most satisfying piece(s) you’ve ever written----its audience: I’ve written a couple very personal things to my parents and grandma. Those would definitely be the most satisfying pieces, because I am very thankful to them for being such great parents, and to my grandma for her unending love and support.
Your publications or venues for writing: I journal a lot, just for me. I have a blog-( where I share my thoughts. I write some things for our middle school ministry at church, as well.
Nuggets of advice for young writers in middle school and high school: It doesn’t have to be perfect! Never let anyone tell you that you can not write, just because it may not fit that person’s personality and what they think writing should be. If you enjoy it, just do it, even if you are your one and only reader.
Grab a pen and a journal and keep track of your thoughts, because writing is a wonderful way to express yourself, and to keep track of your deepest thoughts, concerns, joys, and desires. Have fun writing. If you enjoy it, have a great time with it, and if it becomes a chore, then you’ve made it much more difficult than it needs to be. Writing is an expression of who you are, so shine through your writing!!